Ssh remote access on sshd container to app container

Hi Community,

I want to use sshd and vsftpd in an ready builded container. How should I combine these services.On the remote host the entry point is ssh.
I have read sshd shouldnt be run on the container itself.
How can I close the bride between the remote host, the sshd service and the application container.
Have you an example for it?
Remote Host => entry point ssh => vsftpd and sshd => app
vsftpd => vsftp_container => vsftpd
sshd => sshd_container => /usr/sbin/sshd -D
app => app_container



@oliver76, if you want to get a terminal prompt inside of a container, you should SSH in to your remote box and either use or the docker exec command which is landing in 1.3.

Thanks for your answer,

this step should be done automatically. If I type in the ssh command it should be leading to the app container over the ssh container and not only to the app container.
I hope I have explained it that you can understand it.
I must use ssh and cannot switch to nsenter. The nsenter command could be done on the sshd server automatically.
How should it be done?

Regards Olaf

I have switched the OS from centos7 to centos6 and installed all on one image.
You can close this issue.

Regards Olaf