Really need some help with this and pounding head against wall.
I have an overlay network being created/spread across each node there is a swarm active container on, but the containers dont seem to be able to communicate with each other.
For example, a container called admin_server on node 1 will return a connection refused against a container called config_server running on node 2. The create strings are:
Admin Server
docker service create
–replicas 1
–restart-condition on-failure
–publish 8081:8081
–network sigmanet
–env SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI=“http://config-server:8888”
–env SPRING_BOOT_ADMIN_URI=“http://admin-server:8081”
–name admin-server
docker service create
–replicas 1
–restart-condition on-failure
–publish 8888:8888
–network sigmanet
–env SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI=“http://config-server:8888”
–env SPRING_BOOT_ADMIN_URI=“http://admin-server:8081”
–name config-server
and when config server tries to communicate with admin server (different node), it get a connection refused. Same applies to any of the other services trying to connect with each other (all use dedicated ports and http)
I’m being fed stuff as ‘supposed to work’ by my developers, but I keep getting connection refused errors. These all work on a single node.
Desperately in need of guidance here