Submit Your Extensions Ideas today!

We’re using Discussions as a place to collect suggestions for new Docker Extensions. We hope that you:

  • Share ideas.
  • Engage with other community members on their ideas and explain how it could benefit you or your team.
  • Upvote :+1: ideas you’d love to see.
  • Get inspired and consider building a Docker Extension yourself.

To get started suggesting ideas:

  • Browse the existing discussions to make sure there isn’t already a request.
  • Create a new discussion
  • Set the title as the name of the extension you want to see
  • In the body, please share why this is useful and what problems or challenges it will help you with. The more information you can provide the better. We want to make sure that when an extension developer considers creating your idea, they have enough information to get started.

To show your enthusiasm for an idea, simply click the :arrow_up: up arrow next to the idea. If you have more information that could help someone interested in building the extension, add a comment.

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