I asked Gordon which confirmed what I would have said anyway and what was already said in this topic, but I still share Gordon’s response:
My question: Is Docker Swarm still under active development?
Gordon’s Answer:
Docker Swarm, specifically the Swarm mode integrated into Docker Engine, is still supported and maintained, but it is not the primary focus of Docker’s development efforts. The classic Docker Swarm, which was a standalone tool, has been deprecated and is no longer actively developed. Docker Swarm mode, which is built into the Docker Engine, continues to receive updates and bug fixes, as seen in various release notes over the years.
However, Docker’s development focus has shifted more towards Kubernetes and other container orchestration solutions, as Kubernetes has become the industry standard for container orchestration. Docker Swarm mode remains a viable option for simpler use cases and smaller-scale deployments where its ease of use and integration with Docker Engine are beneficial.
For the most current information, you can refer to the official Docker documentation and the Docker release notes