Created a docker swarm with 2 managers (one leader) and one worker
git clone
on leader cd vote
docker build -t vote -f Dockerfile .
builds the vote image and available on leader docker service create --name redis -p 6379:6379/tcp redis:3.2.1-alpine
docker service create --name postgres -p 5432:5432/tcp postgres:9.4
docker service create --replicas 4 --name vote -p 5000:80/tcp vote:latest python
docker service tasks vote
- Keep doing this and you will notice that the containers on other swarm nodes (except the leader where the vote image is present) is NOT able to get the containers to RUNNING status.
The vote image should automatically be copied to other swarm nodes and containers instantiated on those nodes to reach desired state
If we explicitly build the vote image on each of the swarm nodes (so that the image is available on all nodes), then the containers attain RUNNING state on the swarm without failures