Swarm service killed when "Starting" status takes more than 25 seconds

I’m trying to launch a service based on Mysql and it initially takes more than 25 seconds to be ready, as it initialises databases structures or starts to replicate from a master.

To be sure that the tasks are not added to the IPVS until it is ready to serve consistent data I’ve added a HEALTHCHECK command to the image to be sure about it.

When I launch it as a container (docker run …) I see it works perfectly. But when I launch it as a service (docker service create…) it seems that is docker who’s killing the service at 25th second after launch the task.

How to reproduce

I’ve created a simple image for doing it. As docker hub still does not support HEALTHCHECK command I’m providing this repo.

git clone git@github.com:bvis/swarm-healthcheck-test.git
cd swarm-healthcheck-test
docker build -t swarm-healthcheck-test .
docker run -d --name test swarm-healthcheck-test
watch -n 1 "docker ps | grep swarm-healthcheck" 

You’ll see the watch with the output:

3689d7faaead  swarm-healthcheck-test  "/bin/sh -c /start.sh"   11 seconds ago      Up 11 seconds (health: starting) test
ce7f471f224b  swarm-healthcheck-test  "/bin/sh -c /start.sh"   16 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds (unhealthy)        test
ce7f471f224b  swarm-healthcheck-test  "/bin/sh -c /start.sh"   30 seconds ago      Up 29 seconds (unhealthy)        test
ce7f471f224b  swarm-healthcheck-test  "/bin/sh -c /start.sh"   About a minute ago  Up About a minute (healthy)      test

It works as expected!

But when you launch it as a service:

docker service create --name test swarm-healthcheck
watch -n 1 "docker service ps test"
ID                         NAME    IMAGE              NODE             DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE             ERROR
7qljdhtxfc4744zfbczrkwwuj  test.1  swarm-healthcheck  swarm-cluster-1  Running        Starting 1 seconds ago
ID                         NAME    IMAGE              NODE             DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE             ERROR
7qljdhtxfc4744zfbczrkwwuj  test.1  swarm-healthcheck  swarm-cluster-1  Running        Starting 19 seconds ago
ID                         NAME        IMAGE              NODE             DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE         ERROR
5inlhe2qrwcryn3dioz4mixpe  test.1      swarm-healthcheck  swarm-cluster-1  Ready          Ready 1 seconds ago
89wriwa3a7zomv0tybd9tkr9v   \_ test.1  swarm-healthcheck  swarm-cluster-1  Shutdown       Failed 3 seconds ago  "task: non-zero exit (137): do"

And I’ve seen that it always happens on 25th second.

And this makes impossible to launch this service with health check, because it always takes more or less 45 seconds.

I’ve created an ISSUE in the docker github project: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/26498

did you resolved this ? I’m facing the same issue, a wordpress container runs perfectly on non swarm mode but on swarm its health status gets stuck at starting, and a couple of minutes later the container receives a SIGTERM signal.