If I run “systemctl start docker.service”
dockerd complains with “open /etc/docker/daemon.json: no such file or directory”
and does nos start.
But if I run the exact same command from docker.service ExecStart
on the command line it works with no problems.
I have no idea why
So I created a shell script to start it from the exact same command like
on ExecStart with now ExecStart running the script and it works
I initially changed for Type=forking but is the same.
What is the exact same command? If you realyl run the same command including the --config-file option, you would need to get the same error. That option os not required and docker will use the same path by default. If you define the path, you will get the error message when the files doesn’t exist.
it works, no complain about "open /etc/docker/daemon.json: no such file or directory”
dockerd --validate returns OK
But if I run the same exact command via ExecStart with systemd as systemctl start docker.service it
complains “open /etc/docker/daemon.json: no such file or directory” and does not start