The container does not have directory “/usr/share/doc/openssl” after having installed openssl both through Docker file and through dnf install openssl .
Checked through docker exec -it container bash and also by docker exec -it container ls -l /usr/share/doc/openssl
I don’t think this is enough information. One of the most important details is the base image. Centos images are deprecated now but almalinux works and has the mentioned folder after installing openssl.
Maybe it is installed somewhere else or not at all in the distribution your image is based on. The lack of that fodler shouldn’t affect how openssl works in the container.
Thanks for the reply.
The base image is fedora 36, Created the new image with the following Docker file content
FROM fedora
RUN dnf install -y openssl
RUN dnf install -y httpd
RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/openssl
RUN dnf install -y sendmail
RUN dnf install -y sendmail-cf
RUN dnf install -y dovecot
RUN dnf install -y roundcubemail
COPY . /opt/.
EXPOSE 80 443 993 25 587
Similarly, this /usr/share/doc/dovecot/ directory is also not seen, whereas on the host OS I can see this directory after installing dovecot.
Please help.
Do you have the same Fedora version on the host? If you don’t, it looks like Fedora 35 doesn’t install the documentation. If you have, then the dnf package manager could have some requirements to install that too. Since almalinux installs the doc folder too, you could compare the two distributions.