The path is not shared error message despite sharing folders on the Fle Sharing tab on Mac Sequoia 15.2

Hello - I am a new Docker user and am unable to add to the file sharing section. I can add the paths and click the + button, but still get an error message “The path /{/Users/Rich/Downloads/OF} is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker”. I’ve searched on the web but have not found an answer. Thanks for any help!

/Users is already shared by default, and your error message contains strange charactrs so I assume you just defined a wrong path in your compose file or command line when mounting a folder.

Thank you so much, that solved the path problems. The only problem I have now is that the ffmpeg path I put in config.json is not accepted:

The provided path /Applications/Config-OFDLV1.7.83/ffmpeg does not exist or is
not accessible.
Cannot locate FFmpeg; please modify config.json with the correct path. Press any
key to exit.v%

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Please, open a new topic for the new question and describe what you are doing exactly, since it is unclear what config you are talking about, what you set in it and where you get the error message.

I’m closing this topic so nobody will start answering here while we discuss it in a new topic.