Try to connect phpmyadmin with existing mysql


I do my first steps with docker and created a web server with this help:

That works fine. :slight_smile:

After that, I tried to connect the mysql with a new phpmyadmin:
docker run -d --name pma -p 8095:80
–network example_default -e PMA-HOST=example_mysql-example phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

There were a few parts pulled and after that I got this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: Could not attach to network example_default: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = network example_default not manually attachable.

Can someone help me how to fix this?

Update: I even realized, that the update to the www folder with the Webserver doesn’t work. Maybe there is someone with an idea too.

Cheers, Philipp

The simplest is if you add phpmyadmin as a service to docker-compose.yml.