Ubuntu:focal VS ubuntu:latest

$ docker inspect ubuntu:focal | grep ubuntu
                "org.opencontainers.image.ref.name": "ubuntu",

$ docker inspect ubuntu | grep ubuntu

Differences (general overview)?
Differences (concrete differences)?
Differences (show concrete differences with practical examples)?
When to choose one version rather than the other?
Why choose one version rather than the other?


A concrete question would get you more replies. You can send a new comment to remind people the question is still unanswered but I recommend a different style, since I saw the same reply in multiple topics and it doesnā€™t attract many usersā€™ attention to helpā€¦

It looks ike you wanted a full tutorial based on a vague question. The short answer is that you should never use the latest tag for any image. Use a specific tag and now all you need to know what ā€œfocalā€ means in the world of Ubuntu. Latest will change to the latest distribution, focal will not.

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