I’m running docker on a Mac using Docker Kitchen to do some integration tests. Unfortunately I’m having some trouble with the image that is being downloaded when I specify ubuntu-14.04 as my platform to test against.
The beginning of the process works fine, telling me that it has an appropriate image:
Creating default-ubuntu-1404…
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56kB
Step 1/12 : FROM ubuntu:14.04
BUT when I run cat /proc/version I get this output:
Linux version 4.9.60-linuxkit-aufs (root@4a42478ffb9a) (gcc version 6.3.0 (Alpine 6.3.0)
Docker containers share the kernel of the host system. The distro of the image (if any) doesn’t affect what gets reported in /proc. You’re seeing the kernel details of the hidden Linux VM that Docker for Mac runs.
That was the explanation I was needing. I looked through the documentation, but didn’t see where this was mentioned. Thanks for the clarification. Any chance this can behavior can be modified? There are some scripts that use this data for their configuration and can’t be tested in Docker if this behavior persists.