Unable to open a UDP port (on port 80)

Expected behavior

I’m following the official documentation trying to deploy a container to ACI.

I have a docker image that exposes two ports:

docker run \
    --publish 80:80/udp \
    --publish 1212:1212 \
    --volume torrustracker/test-volume:/app/storage \

One of them is a UPD port. The port 1212 is a REST API and it’s working fine but the UDP port (80) is clsoed.

Actual behavior

UDP port is closed.

Additional Information

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID          IMAGE                                                      COMMAND             STATUS              PORTS
intelligent-hawking   registry.hub.docker.com/josecelano/torrust-tracker:0.4.0                       Running   >80/udp,>1212/tcp

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The application needs some config files and an attached file share. I will try to reproduce the problem with a simpler image.

The port was OK. I could connect using the following netcat command:

$ nc -u 80
bad request

I thought it was closed because this service https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ says it’s closed.

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