Using docker-machine on osx.
When I call docker push, it is very likely that the push will fail with an i/o timeout at a random step. e.g.
$ docker push synesso/apache-php-tippecanoe
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository (1 tags)
25a034bcce1e: Image already pushed, skipping
c637ef06654b: Image already pushed, skipping
7d9a8a2f8a2b: Image already pushed, skipping
db3325e6599f: Pushing
Failed to upload metadata: Put cf423e662e6/json: dial tcp i/o timeout
$ docker push synesso/apache-php-tippecanoe
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
496d3de01ca2: Image already exists
397811415998: Image already exists
fbee40003e7b: Image already exists
fa3640e00a60: Image already exists
637bfc8d527d: Image already exists
cd3707d3953e: Image already exists
631d263aaa3c: Image already exists
8ce229e2bccc: Image already exists
2f586870b09b: Image already exists
164f622d7b3b: Image push failed
Head dial tcp i/o timeout
$ docker push synesso/apache-php-tippecanoe
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
496d3de01ca2: Image already exists
397811415998: Image already exists
fbee40003e7b: Image already exists
fa3640e00a60: Image already exists
637bfc8d527d: Image already exists
cd3707d3953e: Image already exists
631d263aaa3c: Image already exists
8ce229e2bccc: Image push failed
Head dial tcp i/o timeout
$ docker push synesso/apache-php-tippecanoe
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
496d3de01ca2: Image already exists
397811415998: Image already exists
fbee40003e7b: Image already exists
fa3640e00a60: Image already exists
637bfc8d527d: Image already exists
cd3707d3953e: Image already exists
631d263aaa3c: Image already exists
8ce229e2bccc: Image already exists
2f586870b09b: Image push failed
Head dial tcp i/o timeout
If I do this enough times, it will probably work. But it’s very frustrating. In fact, I’ve been running a while true loop waiting for it to succeed.
This happens not just with this image, but any image. It started occurring 1 to 2 months ago.
How can I improve this?
(x-posted to superuser)