Unexplainable errors all of a sudden...docker run error for any container can't start failed create runc failed to create conta task shim oci runtime unable to start process cant copy bootstrap data to pipe init-p broken pipe unknown

Hi All,
Fairly new to the docker world, but finding the tool incredibly valuable. I’ve built some tools for a project I’m working on, but suddenly found myself having issues after months of everything working just fine.
for some reason every time I try to start or run a container I’m getting an error…

failed to create task for container, failed to create shim, oci runtime failed, runc create failed, unable to start process, can’t copy bootstrap data to pipe, write init-p broken pipe unknown.

I feel like I’ve tried everything. Environment has been absolutely solid for months.

Latest Alma Linux host (hardened) and all up to date. (also tried previous non-updated version.
Latest updated version of Docker installed…and older versions known working tested as well.
Have pruned all, free space appears to be OK, network appears to be functioning normally, no other errors that I’m seeing.
I have fully uninstalled and reinstalled all Docker products a couple of times now just in case I missed something. Gone as far as rebooting after uninstall to make sure everything is clean.
Tried previously working containers, and building new containers…even tried using hello-world…all fail on starting but otherwise process fine to that point.
The real kicker for me…I failed back to a snapshot on the host system from over a month ago that I’ve used multiple times but not touched since…fully expected the issue to be resolved, but nope…exact same error.

I have no idea what else could be causing this, but hoping someone might have a little insight and help me get back on track…lost a couple days chasing this one and starting to get frustrated with it to say the least.

Did you try to search the Internet?

docker "copy bootstrap data to pipe"

There are some hits with solutions, like not setting a variable to the wrong platform.

It turns out that some users had DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM set to linux/amd64, but were using an arm64-based mac (aka M1/2/3)

Please share the output of following commands:

docker version
docker info

Feel free to remove any private info from the output like usernames or ip addresses.

When you share the outputs, always format your posts according to the following guide: How to format your forum posts

several times…the environment was previously working fine though, and I’ve donw tear-down and rebuilds on it before as well…never had an issue with the live version or the previous snapshot. No changes what-so-ever to the host system OS (Alma 9.4 as I recall) or the ESXi server above it

Thanks rimelek,

I tried to make sure I included the information as outlined, but the container’s in a dark network so copying the content out would take forever…anything specific that we’re looking for in all that?

Docker has been rebuilt several times and using the latestest version from the official repo. The snapshot I’m working with right now has the following

Docker Version 27.3.1
API Version 1.47
Go Version gol.22.7
Build Date Fri Sep 20 2024
OS/Arch linux/amd64
for both server and client
containerd v1.7.24
runc v.1.2.2
docker into v.0.19.0


bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
buildx v.0.17.1 path /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx


containers 3
running 0
paused 0
stopped 3
images 2
version is the same
storage driver overlay2
Cgroup driver: systemd
Runtimes io.containerd.runc.v2 runc
default runtim runc
init binary docker-init
seurity options seccomp / profile builtin / cgroupns
kernel v 5.14.0-503.14.1.el9_5.x86_64
OS AlmaLinux 9.5
CPUs 2
Memory 7.504GB
docker root dir /var/lib/docker

docker system df, and host df showing space is fine and all pruning has been completed

It seems you missed the end of my post

I’m not sure what you mean by dark network and copying taking forever, especially because you shared what I asked for, just not formatted as I also asked.

Again, I’m not sure what you mean. Docker is the daemon basically. If you had to rebuild it, you didn’t use the official version. But I believe it, since Alma Linux is not officially supported.

If it doesn’t work, the build could be wrong, but I don’t use AlmaLinux to know what could be wrong if not what @bluepuma77 sggested. Which I don’t think that happened if it worked for you before as you stated.

Wow. OK, to be clear, I did NOT miss the 5-6 page formatting document, and have tried to respect that without it becoming a full time day job. I’m just looking for a little help dude. Interacting with forum content isn’t always from the comfort and convenience of a full screened computer console.

double spaced for your reading ease

I’m not sure how anyone that’s been in IT long enough to be using Docker and be considered somewhat of an authority in that space wouldn’t know what a dark network / dark site would be, but for those that don’t…it’s a fully disconnected/air gapped network. It this particular case, also in a physical area where not even phones or bluetooth devices are allowed on site.
As such, and in consideration of the efforts of the community taking the time to read my posts and hopefully share any insight, I memorized and relayed as much information as possible and wrote it to my phone, then later to this post to ensure my due diligence isn’t neglected out of respect for the community.

Lastly, by rebuilt…and again my apologies if that’s confusing somehow, what I mean is that the Docker environment (including all the aforementioned components) has been attentively (with careful and deliberate purpose and with respect to the layering of the binaries, their functions, in consideration of OSI referenced troubleshooting methodology and in such manner as recommended by people that give the appearance of being knowledgeable about such things in less strict forums than this) dismantled (meaning uninstalled) from the top of the stack to the bottom, and then carefully and purposefully reconstructed (meaning reinstalled step by step also as per the collective recommendations of presumably lesser knowledgeable random internet people who may in fact not even be real depending on the actual scope of AI injected by any particular company responsible for the management (by means of content) of said ‘other’ forums and influences).

My intention was attempting to ensure a comprehensive understanding of each particular component’s influence and role in the collective solution. I don’t normally come to forums for support (for reasons like this), but given that the product has worked for several months and through several iterations (meaning I have gone through the process of installing and layering in multiple variations with multiple baseline components (meaning docker environment variables including but not limited to operating systems and configuration methodologies).

Also of note, I’ve recreated the entire stack (meaning deployed an identical host OS from the same template used in this scenario, and used the Docker image created from the original setup as in active use) in a separate environment, and it’s working as expected. That’s wonderful, but doesn’t fix my problem ‘dark’ system which I’m currently unable to affect to that degree (given the access restrictions).

double spaced per ease of reading guidelines and with apologies for any further violations of said accepted norms.

respectfully (mostly)

I don’t know what your background is, “air-gap” is a professional term in IT, “dark” not so much - except for fiber optics.

Not sure what you complain about for multiple paragraphs, just state your issue in a clean and readable way and people from the community might read and respond.

If you don’t find a solution here, you can try Docker forum on Reddit.

Otherwise get a paid subscription and try with the official Docker support.

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I often share a template that mentions “code block” and even shows an example, which I didn’t do in this case, so I admit it was not clear what I was referring to. On the other hand, basically every technical forum uses markdown-based code blocks to make sure the output is shared as it appeared in the terminal, so I don’t always feel the need of an example :slight_smile: And you can see I was in a hurry, since I had a lot of typos in my message.

No problem with that, just leave a small note that this is the case and we can either help with the formatting or just accept the comment as is if it doesn’t make a huge difference, like in your case. But shared terminal outputs often make the forum post unreadable or some part of the message could be hidden the way markdown interprets it and only moderators would have a way to see that when they edit your post. Which means fewer people who are able to help.

Well, there is “dark net” which is usually used to describe something that should not be related to your issue. I immediately associated to that when reading “dark network”. I can imagine that some people use it for “air-gapped”, but I have never heard it in that context. If you can share a link that confirms that “dark network” is used to mean “air-gapped”, I would be glad to learn from you, since I often worked with air-gapped environments and never had this expression you used.

I’m sincerely sorry if my previous post seemed rude to you. It was not my intention, but I don’t believe your reaction is how you should handle these situations :slight_smile: If you read other topics, you could probably see I can accept criticism and admit when I’m wrong, but helpers on forums can ignore questions or reply quickly so at least some conversation can be started and you won’t always see the most carefully expressed comments. On the other hand, a question has to be as well-expressed (and formatted) as possible, otherwise there will be much fewer people to try to understand it. And it is in your interest to attract more people.

Back to original topic:

I still shared what I could tell you about the issue. The docker info and version output was needed so we can see what kind of Docker you have exactly as people often don’t know the difference between the many kind and different builds. For example we often saw that someone used Podman and still asekd about it as Docker.

I still answer when I can even when it is not strictly about Docker, or not the official version (as we are a community forum, not an official Docker support, just people helping in their free time), but we mostly have exprience with the official Docker installed on officially supported operating systems, which does not include Alma Linux. So that is why I didn’t have a more detailed answer, not because I wouldn’t have been happy to write one. When I searched for the error message, I found what @bluepuma77 shared too, but I didn’t think it was your issue.

If your snapshot included all the data, not just the operating system, the only way to break Docker would be something network-related or a bug on Docker Hub, which would probably (not necessarily) affect other people, but I’m not aware of any issue that could cause this. If the docker data root was completely emptied as well, data coruption could not be the problem either. In some cases special or broken terminals can cause problems too. Or even remote Docker daemon connections.

Maybe there is some information missing which we don’t even think of at the moment and hopefully someone comes who will and ask for more details or clarification to solve it. Until then, you can share anything that comes to your mind related to the issue which you think could help someone to help you. You can also check the GitHub repo of Moby

Search for existing issues, comment if you think one is related or open a new one if you think it could be a bug not discussed yet.

Respectfully (fully)