Goal: upgrade Node-RED
I am running Docker Version 26.0.0 on Azure VM Ubuntu 22.04.
I communicate with this VM using SSH session to command line interface.
I run Node-RED on this VM and have opened port 1880 on this VM.
I had a Node-RED version 2.xx running on this Docker with IMAGE name iot-app-nodered.
I was able to see this Node-RED (running on Azure VM) on my browser (running on my Win10 desktop) at port 1880.
I want to install a more recent version of Node-RED.
I pulled a new version using “sudo docker pull nodered/node-red”
I now see images iot-app-nodered and nodered/node-red in response to “sudo docker images -a”.
I stopped iot-app-nodered using “sudo docker stop c5f829c8803f”.
I ran nodered/node-red using “sudo docker run -d nodered/node-red”
I see new nodered/node-red in the “sudo docker ps” response but NOT the old iot-app-nodered.
The new nodered/node-red is running
Problem: My browser running on my desk top Win10 does NOT display the Node-RED GUI at port 1880.
I stop the new nodered/node-red.
I run the old iot-app-nodered using “udo docker run -d iot-app-nodered”
I see iot-app-nodered in the “sudo docker ps” response but NOT the new nodered/node-red.
The old iot-app-nodered is running.
Problem: My browser running on my desktop Win10 does NOT display the Node-RED GUI at port 1880 as it did previously.
What did I break?