Upload files to docker Volume

Hi, tell me please how i can upload one folder with many files from my PC Windows 10 pro in to my docker Volume on this PC. Maybe in zip archive but how and how to unzip. I dont understand , please help me

Please help, I just donā€™t understand. In the docker I have a Volume called simple-taiko-node_l2_execution_engine_data, I need to delete one folder with files after going through three folders and instead download a folder with files from the same computer that weighs 40 gigabytes and in a zip archive weighs 36 gigabytes, I just donā€™t understand how to do it, why is it so difficult, why canā€™t you just download the archive and unpack it where you need it through the main window of the docker program, tell me what I need to do. Iā€™m trying to download the actual synchronization files that I already have, and if I donā€™t, I have to wait 10 days for the node to synchronize. I will be very grateful for your help.

How have you tried to solve it so far? If you can share what you tried already, that can help us to understand what you actually want. Do you understand what volumes are? I wrote about docker compose volumes here:

and you can read about it in the documentation: Volumes | Docker Docs

Regarding your second post, please edit it and write it in English. This is an English community forum and non-English comments could be deleted.

Thank you!

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Thank you, i am editing my second post

I did it with a docker on ubuntu in a virtual box and now I want to do it directly on windows. on ubuntu I uploaded the data.zip archive with folders and files and unpacked it at /var/lib/docker/volumes/simple-taiko-node_l2_execution_engine_data/_data/geth/chaindata and my task was completed, but here on windows I have no idea how to unpack this archive into the desired folder, which is somewhere in the docker container, I tried to mount the docker disks in the windows system, but they are in an unknown format

First of all, you shouldnā€™t upload/download 40 gigabytes into a container. Even a very large docker image that I have seen was about 10 gigabytes and that was the image, not the container which shouldnā€™t store data at all. (I know you are talking about volums, but it was not entirely clear to me first)

You need bind mount which is explained in the documentation.

Here is a direct link:

Of course, you could also use an actual ā€œvolumeā€ which means your data is inside Docker Desktopā€™s virtual machine (yes, there is always a virtual machine when you are using Docker Desktop), which would be populated when the container starts if there is data in the folder which was defined as mount point (I wrote about it in my previously linked blog post).

If you want to download data from the internet, you can download it on the host and mount it, or use a volume and download the data in the container, but 40 gigabyte is still huge and would take a long time and probably require memory and cpu resources, not to mention free space in Docker Desktopā€™s virtual machine which (In WSL2).

I woulod never touch any file or folder under /var/lib/docker without using Docker commands. Writing the volume folder is not so dangerous, but that is very similar to a bind mount, except a volume is managed by Docker and a bind mount must be managed by you and you need to set the proper permissions to write or read the files.

Depending on what you need to do with the files, mounting files from Windows to the virtual machine could be really slow. You could also create your own WSL 2 distribution on Windows (Docker uses ā€œdocker-desktopā€ and ā€œdocker-desktop-dataā€) and turn on ā€œWSL integrationā€ which is explained here: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/wsl/#enabling-docker-support-in-wsl-2-distros

Then use the Docker command from the custom WSL distribution and download your data in that distribution to mount it to the container. I believe you could use the docker commands from your Windows host as well and define a WSL 2 path as source path for bind mount, but I donā€™t use Windows and I donā€™t know the correct syntax to tell you.

I know it sounds very complicated, but you can start with a simple bind mount and store everything on the Windows host and if you experience performance issues, then try to solve that. You might not even notice any performance problem. It really depends on how the data is used.

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thank you very much, i will try

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