User mis match during docker pull images from private docker hub

Hello All,

We saw the different user was trying to pull latest docker image from docker hub repo.

For example ,
We used below login credential for docker login on my system,

        sudo docker login -u abcd -p abcd123#
 and verify it using below command

     sudo docker system info | grep -E 'Username|Registry'
 Response to above command :
        Username: abcd

We expected that abcd user need to pull latest image from docker hub during Scheduled time ,But We found below message in watchtower debug logs
that xyz_name user trying to pull latest image from docker hub

watchtower | time=“2021-06-10T13:08:48Z” level=debug msg=“Loaded auth credentials {xyz_name xyz123$ } for repo/image_name”


Can you please tell us from where that xyz_name user is in picture?

Even though abcd is user or owner on docker hub, we observed same behaviour.