I am new to docker, but I have Windows 10 with Hyper-V enabled and Docker for Windows installed. I have followed the directions in the FAQ (https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/faqs/#how-do-i-add-client-certificates) but can’t manage to get client certificates working to access a secure repository running on a private site, let’s call it docker.site.blah
Specifically, I created a directory C:\Users\my.name.docker\certs.d\docker.site.blah
This directory contains two files: client.cert and client.key, which I created from my personal issued certificate using openssl.
I then restarted docker but when I run docker login docker.site.blah, I am prompted for a username/password rather than having it just use the certificates.
I don’t know how to proceed in debugging. There is nothing in the log file that says anything about the certificates, and I can’t figure out how to browse the Moby VM to verify that they are getting copied to /etc/docker/certs.d as the FAQ claims they should be.
Note 1: There is no problem with the server cert or anything like that because it is issued by a trusted root CA.
Note 2: I know these files are correct because site.blah is also running GitLab which I can successfully interact with using the same client cert/key.
If anyone can help or point my in another direction, thank you in advance! In the meantime, I guess I will try it with Docker Toolbox to see if I have better luck, but I would of course prefer to use Docker for Windows.