Firstly this is my first time using the docker, so it’s very likely that I’ve just been an idiot.
I’m running the linuxserver/plexpy image with the config mapped to a config folder on my c:. The first run works totally fine, but the second result gives the error described below.
Expected behavior
No issues with database
Actual behavior
2016-06-27 06:33:53 - ERROR :: MainThread : Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/plexpy/”, line 247, in
File “/opt/plexpy/”, line 173, in main
File “/opt/plexpy/plexpy/”, line 194, in initialize
File “/opt/plexpy/plexpy/”, line 36, in refresh_users
monitor_db = database.MonitorDatabase()
File “/opt/plexpy/plexpy/”, line 125, in init
self.connection.execute(“PRAGMA journal_mode = %s” % plexpy.CONFIG.JOURNAL_MODE)
OperationalError: database is locked
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/plexpy/”, line 247, in
File “/opt/plexpy/”, line 173, in main
File “/opt/plexpy/plexpy/”, line 194, in initialize
File “/opt/plexpy/plexpy/”, line 36, in refresh_users
monitor_db = database.MonitorDatabase()
File “/opt/plexpy/plexpy/”, line 125, in init
self.connection.execute(“PRAGMA journal_mode = %s” % plexpy.CONFIG.JOURNAL_MODE)
sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked
Note that if I store the config with a relative path (I’m guessing the files get saved in the VM?) then it works fine. It’s only when the config location is on a shared drive that I have issues.
the output of:
Moby Notification > Diagose & Feedback
on Windows : 2D5411F8-CB14-4EC2-B790-F4F80F583E04/2016-06-27_07-44-56
Windows 10 Build 14295.rs1_release.160318-1628
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- Ensure you have a share to a local drive configured.
- Install the plexpy container using the following:
- docker create --name=plexpy -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v C:/docker/plexpy:/config -v C:/docker/logs:/logs:ro -p 8181:8181 linuxserver/plexpy
- Start the container
- Ideally visit the site, and configure it (you would need a plex install to do so)
- Restart the container
- Note that the site doesn’t work, and the database issues are now in the log.
If you instead create the container without using a shared drive the above will work fine.