VM "MobyLinuxVM": The VM couldn't get an IP address after 60 tries

Expected behavior

docker daemon runs well.

Actual behavior

docker start failed with logs
"VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries"


[16:40:35.587][Program ][Info ] Version: Version 1.11.0-beta6 (build: 1288)
[16:40:35.587][Program ][Info ] Starting on: 4/6/2016 4:40:35 PM
[16:40:35.587][Program ][Info ] Resources: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources
[16:40:35.587][Program ][Info ] OS: Windows 10 Pro
[16:40:35.587][Program ][Info ] Edition: Professional
[16:40:35.587][Program ][Info ] Id: 1511
[16:40:35.603][Program ][Info ] Build: 10586
[16:40:35.603][Program ][Info ] BuildLabName: 10586.103.amd64fre.th2_release.160126-1819
[16:40:35.606][Program ][Info ] Sha1: c97b76ba9aea72a29cb56ffc0de4e142f33a5999
[16:40:35.606][Program ][Info ] You can send feedback, including this log file, at https://forums.docker.com/c/docker-for-windows
[16:40:35.722][HyperV ][Info ] Checking for Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[16:40:35.725][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[16:40:38.139][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[16:40:38.912][Authentication ][Info ] Checking token
[16:40:39.578][Authentication ][Info ] Token is valid
[16:40:39.581][Notifications ][Info ] Docker is initializing…
[16:40:39.581][Updater ][Info ] Checking for updates on the Beta channel…
[16:40:39.744][HyperV ][Info ] Creating a virtual machine named MobyLinuxVM
[16:40:39.744][HyperV ][Info ] Checking for Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[16:40:39.744][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[16:40:41.847][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[16:40:41.847][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -IsoFile C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso -create True…
[16:40:42.348][Updater ][Info ] Found remote version. Version =
[16:40:42.348][Updater ][Info ] Local version is up to date.
[16:40:42.348][Updater ][Info ] Check for update done.
[16:40:48.219][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing Switch: DockerNAT
[16:40:48.356][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing: MobyLinuxVM
[16:40:48.356][Firewall ][Info ] Opening TCP ports on the firewall for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[16:40:48.356][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[16:40:52.881][Firewall ][Info ] Ports opened
[16:40:52.881][Firewall ][Info ] Opening UDP ports on the firewall for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[16:40:52.881][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[16:40:56.619][Firewall ][Info ] Ports opened
[16:40:56.619][Proxy ][Info ] Starting com.docker.proxy
[16:40:56.851][HyperV ][Info ] Start a virtual machine named MobyLinuxVM
[16:40:56.851][HyperV ][Info ] Checking for Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[16:42:04.595][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[16:42:05.612][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[16:42:06.938][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[16:42:07.964][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[16:42:08.991][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[16:42:10.031][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[16:42:11.096][Notifications ][Error ] Error: Failed to start VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries
[16:42:11.406][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[16:42:11.784][Program ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report…
[16:42:13.904][Program ][Info ] Bugsnag report sent

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. install docker beta
  2. upgrade docker normal and restart windows 10
  3. click docker shortcut in desktop and wait some minutes
  4. check logs

I’m unable to post the whole log and my post got deleted :confused: It’s messing up the forum system. Pls install a proper issue tracker!

Same problem here! I do have a log, but no way to post it.

Hm, sorry the forum ate your logs. Can you post them on pastebin?

Also, please let us know if you have any abnormal DHCP set up for you machine.

I was hitting this same issue and the problem persisted through restarts/shutdowns. What resolved it for me was to delete the VM, repair “Docker” from Programs/Features and then restart.

I get the same issue.
When I change the MobyLinuxVM internal adapter to another existing internal switch on my hyper-v and relaunch docker I get a message that says “Open PowerShell and get hacking with docker or compose”…

Then I hit this issue

PS C:\Users\DevUser> docker ps
An error occurred trying to connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.23/containers/json: open //./pipe/dock
er_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
PS C:\Users\DevUser>

I get the same issue, too.
But when I reboot my device, this issue is solved.

if a reboot doesn’t work, open the hyper-v manager, and then see what the vm’s console tells you.

in my case, it was failing to PXE boot, and then showed that neither SCSI device was UEFI compatible - so I went to look at where the CD was configured, and it was pointing to C:\Program Files (x86)\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso, which did not exist anymore.

I found it instead in C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso, set that, and made the vm reboot.

fixed it for me :slight_smile:


look in your logs, you may see the same dhcp error.

I open hyper-v manager and console, but only display Hyper-V™ logo without any other logs .


I completely uninstall docker and reinstall it again, this time I never upgrade docker as informated. It worked for me . docker ps runs well.

About Docker Dialog :

Version (Beta)


1 Like

Couple of questions:

What’s the status of the Hyper-V swtich? Should be “internal” and named "DockerNAT"
When you install the VM on Hyper-V the posh script of the beta will create an hyper-v switch as NAT network on the ip range “” with gateway “”. Can you ping the gateway?

If you change the Switch of the VM will not work due the fact that the docker installation is setup to look for the “10.0.75.x” network.

I’m having the same issue on the latest Windows Pro Insider Preview. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the latest Docker build. Opening Hyper-V the VM is running but it doesn’t have an IP in the networking session:

I’m able to ping the gateway and the network is configured as you specified. When I attach to the VM it only displays the Hyper-V logo which struck me as odd, thought I could get a shell or at least some historic output.

I believe this was caused by a program named “Acrylic DNS Server” which was bound to udp port 53. After stopping it, docker booted fine.


Hi Chris

thanks for the followup. We had another user on a different thread who also kindly provided a lot of info. Yes, running a local DNS server, or in fact enabling Internet Connection Sharing will cause the error. We now have an easy way to repro this issue which will help us a lot to find a solution.


Same issue with couldn’t get IP address after 60 tries. The fix for me was to completely uninstall and reinstall Docker and that fixed the issue. This started with Docker version 1.11.0-rc3, build eabf97a.

I have the same problem.I have tried all the remedies described previously (restart, uninstall). I can ping the gateway and it works. It looks exactly as in Chris’ entry from Aplril 8th 2016. 12:13 am. I have checked Internet connection sharing and it is not turned on. have checked the processes and don’t see any that would look like a DNS server. I don’t see any obvious errors in the log file either.

This is my docker startup log:

[09:10:42.974][Program ][Info ] Version: Version 1.11.0-beta6 (build: 1288)
[09:10:42.980][Program ][Info ] Starting on: 4/9/2016 9:10:42 AM
[09:10:42.982][Program ][Info ] Resources: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources
[09:10:42.985][Program ][Info ] OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
[09:10:42.987][Program ][Info ] Edition: Enterprise
[09:10:42.990][Program ][Info ] Id: 1511
[09:10:42.992][Program ][Info ] Build: 10586
[09:10:42.994][Program ][Info ] BuildLabName: 10586.162.amd64fre.th2_release_sec.160223-1728
[09:10:42.998][Program ][Info ] Sha1: c97b76ba9aea72a29cb56ffc0de4e142f33a5999
[09:10:43.000][Program ][Info ] You can send feedback, including this log file, at https://forums.docker.com/c/docker-for-windows
[09:10:43.196][HyperV ][Info ] Checking for Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[09:10:43.330][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[09:10:45.089][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[09:10:45.547][Authentication ][Info ] Checking token
[09:10:45.665][Authentication ][Info ] Token is valid
[09:10:45.670][Notifications ][Info ] Docker is initializing…
[09:10:45.676][Updater ][Info ] Checking for updates on the Beta channel…
[09:10:45.771][Auth ][Info ] Retrieved credentials: ob:***********
[09:10:45.777][SmbShare ][Info ] Testing connection to host filesystem
[09:10:45.837][SmbShare ][Info ] C File sharing status: Shared
[09:10:45.840][Auth ][Info ] Retrieved credentials: ob:***********
[09:10:45.843][HyperV ][Info ] Creating a virtual machine named MobyLinuxVM
[09:10:45.846][HyperV ][Info ] Checking for Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[09:10:45.848][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[09:10:46.284][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[09:10:46.294][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -IsoFile C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso -create True…
[09:10:46.302][Updater ][Info ] Found remote version. Version =
[09:10:46.305][Updater ][Info ] Local version is up to date.
[09:10:46.308][Updater ][Info ] Check for update done.
[09:10:49.270][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing Switch: DockerNAT
[09:10:49.370][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing: MobyLinuxVM
[09:10:49.376][Firewall ][Info ] Opening TCP ports on the firewall for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[09:10:49.380][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[09:10:51.654][Firewall ][Info ] Ports opened
[09:10:51.657][Firewall ][Info ] Opening UDP ports on the firewall for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[09:10:51.659][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[09:10:52.828][Firewall ][Info ] Ports opened
[09:10:52.834][Proxy ][Info ] Starting com.docker.proxy
[09:10:52.844][HyperV ][Info ] Start a virtual machine named MobyLinuxVM
[09:10:52.846][HyperV ][Info ] Checking for Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[09:10:52.849][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[09:10:52.885][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:10:52 dhcp server: ready
[09:10:52.888][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:10:52 docker proxy: ready
[09:10:52.892][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:10:52 dns server: ready
[09:10:52.895][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:10:52 docker proxy (on deprecated port): ready
[09:10:53.326][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[09:10:53.329][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -start True -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential…
[09:10:54.892][HyperV ][Info ] Starting VM MobyLinuxVM…
[09:10:54.896][HyperV ][Info ] Removing (potentially) existing mount authentication token
[09:10:55.624][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:10:56.651][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:10:57.679][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:10:58.694][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:10:59.718][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:10:59.869][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:10:59 Discover
[09:11:00.818][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:11:00 Discover
[09:11:00.927][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:01.348][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:11:01 Discover
[09:11:01.944][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:02.407][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:11:02 Discover
[09:11:02.959][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:03.468][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:11:03 Discover
[09:11:03.977][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:04.996][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:05.236][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:11:05 Discover
[09:11:06.188][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:07.203][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:08.220][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:09.235][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:10.250][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:11.431][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:12.445][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:13.463][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:14.479][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:15.495][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:16.663][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:17.677][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:18.691][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:19.705][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:20.720][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:21.879][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:22.894][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:23.908][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:24.923][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:25.936][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:27.112][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:28.127][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:29.141][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:30.158][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:31.174][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:32.333][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:33.348][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:34.363][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:35.377][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:36.392][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:37.574][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:38.590][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:39.605][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:40.619][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:41.633][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:42.797][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:43.812][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:44.826][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:45.841][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:46.855][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:48.014][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:49.029][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:50.047][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:51.061][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:52.075][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:53.239][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:54.254][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:55.269][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:56.283][HyperV ][Info ] Wait for the VM to get an IP address
[09:11:57.320][Notifications ][Error ] Error: Failed to start VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries
[09:11:57.390][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[09:12:19.894][Program ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report…
[09:12:21.057][Program ][Info ] Bugsnag report sent
[09:16:07.977][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:16:07 Discover
[09:16:12.896][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:16:12 Discover
[09:16:17.383][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:16:17 Discover
[09:16:24.881][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:16:24 Discover
[09:16:40.875][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:16:40 Discover
[09:17:12.859][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:17:12 Discover
[09:17:17.717][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:17:17 Discover
[09:17:25.929][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:17:25 Discover
[09:17:41.178][Proxy ][Info ] 2016/04/09 09:17:41 Discover

Thank you.
Any help will be much appreciated,

Same problem here, haven’t found a working solution yet

Same here. Neither repairing nor reinstalling with the latest MSI fixes the issue. :unamused:

@sujunmin reboot does not fix.

@svendowideit this is the error I see in the log before it reports Failed to start VM "MobyLinuxVM": The VM couldn't get an IP address after 60 tries

[21:43:06.713][Proxy          ][Info   ] Restarting com.docker.proxy
[21:43:06.716][Proxy          ][Info   ] 2016/04/09 21:43:06 docker proxy: ready
[21:43:06.720][Proxy          ][Info   ] 2016/04/09 21:43:06 dns server: ready
[21:43:06.727][Proxy          ][Info   ] 2016/04/09 21:43:06 docker proxy (on deprecated port): ready
[21:43:06.730][Proxy          ][Info   ] 2016/04/09 21:43:06 listen udp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.

It gets further in the process when I change the network adapter to an already existing internal switch in my hyper-v.
But then fails