Webhook's ["push_data"]["images"] is null

I’m testing Docker Hub’s webhooks on https://hub.docker.com/r/buzer/baseimage-nodejs, but each time automatic build is run, images part is null:

    "push_data": {
        "pushed_at": 1440085548,
        "images": null,
        "pusher": "buzer"
    "callback_url": "https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/buzer/baseimage-nodejs/hook/2i220h15b20g24if2fh35513g2a5if3dd/",
    "repository": {
        "status": "Active",
        "description": "Install nodejs on baseimage-docker",
        "is_trusted": true,
        "full_description": "# baseimage-nodejs\n",
        "repo_url": "https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/buzer/baseimage-nodejs/",
        "owner": "buzer",
        "is_official": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "name": "baseimage-nodejs",
        "namespace": "buzer",
        "star_count": 0,
        "comment_count": 0,
        "date_created": 1439462494,
        "dockerfile": "# Use phusion/baseimage as base image. To make your builds reproducible, make\n# sure you lock down to a specific version, not to `latest`!\n# See https://github.com/phusion/baseimage-docker/blob/master/Changelog.md for\n# a list of version numbers.\nFROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.17\n\n# Use baseimage-docker's init system.\nCMD [\"/sbin/my_init\"]\nRUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_0.12 | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*\n\n",
        "repo_name": "buzer/baseimage-nodejs"

I also tried it on new repository without automatic build and the result was similar:

    "push_data": {
        "pushed_at": 1440087402,
        "images": null,
        "pusher": "buzer"
    "callback_url": "https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/buzer/baseimage-nodejs2/hook/25adheii1a54e4a44c0hdjh5a25hg4422/",
    "repository": {
        "status": "Active",
        "description": "sd",
        "is_trusted": false,
        "full_description": "s",
        "repo_url": "https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/buzer/baseimage-nodejs2/",
        "owner": "buzer",
        "is_official": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "name": "baseimage-nodejs2",
        "namespace": "buzer",
        "star_count": 0,
        "comment_count": 0,
        "date_created": 1440087043,
        "repo_name": "buzer/baseimage-nodejs2"

Did I misunderstand how images work on webhooks or is there some other issue?

1 Like

I am hitting the same issue. Did you get a resolution for this? Or do others have updates?

I’ve tried this with an automated build from Docker Hub, as well as building locally and pushing the image. Neither one resulted in any data being provided in ['push_data']['images'].

I’m also running into this and was hoping there would be data in that property to allow me to use the Webhook with my own tags. Any progress here?