I’m running a docker compose stack locally, and I need to initialize some users in Mongo when the database starts up. I’m doing it with the following:
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:latest
command: mongosh mongodb://mongodb/ -u root -p password --eval “use logs” --eval “if (db.getUser(‘logs’) != null) { db.dropUser(‘logs’) }” --eval “db.createUser({user:‘logs’, pwd:‘password’, roles:[{role:‘readWrite’,db:‘logs’}]})”
- ./secrets/mongo.local.env
- mongodb
… and that’s working fine. The problem is that I have the password for both the mongo db instance and the logs user defined in ./secrets/mongo.local.env and I don’t know how to reference them in the command.
Is this the best approach to the problem? Should I be doing something else?