Why am I seeing a bunch of "creating", "starting" and "stopping" in the command line on one Pi?

I have a newly installed Pi, and when I stop for instance Node-RED it looks like this:

 docker compose down
[+] Running 0/0
[+] Running 0/1ode-RED  Stopping                                            0.1s
[+] Running 0/1ode-RED  Stopping                                            0.2s
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Stopping                                            0.3
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Stopping                                            0.4
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Stopping                                            0.5
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Stopping                                            0.6
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Stopping                                            0.7
[+] Running 1/1Node-RED  Removing                                            0.8
 â Container Node-RED  Removed                                             0.8s 

Doing the same thing on my other Pi’s looks like this:

docker compose down
[+] Running 1/1
 âś” Container Node-RED  Removed     

It’s the same on starting:

docker compose up -d
[+] Running 0/0
[+] Running 0/1ode-RED  Creating                                            0.1s
[+] Running 0/1ode-RED  Creating                                            0.2s
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Starting                                            0.3
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Starting                                            0.4
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Starting                                            0.5
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Starting                                            0.6
[+] Running 0/1Node-RED  Starting                                            0.7
[+] Running 1/1Node-RED  Starting                                            0.8
 â Container Node-RED  Started                                             0.8s


ocker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/1
 âś” Container Node-RED  Started 

This happens on all the containers there. The Docker Compose files and containers should be exactly the same, so I have no idea why this is happening. Is it an indication on something that may be wrong?

It’s probably the terminal emulation set on the Pi, it’s not interpreting the signals correctly. Most probably “arrow up” will result in strange characters instead of going through history.

Thanks for answering! But no, it’s not. It’s going through the history without any problems.

Never mind, I will assume this is a weird error that has come from a combination of hardware, Raspberry Pi OS, updates and other stuff. I am rebuilding that Pi from scratch. This time I’m taking the image backup before I install Docker, after I have done all the other stuff that is needed for all my systems (SSHPass, setup of GUI and so on).

OK, no. Not that. Not at all. Here’s what I did: I installed a new Bookworm from ground up, did my setup, which is mostly changes to the GUI (larger font (I’m 58, I’m allowed to!), black on white in bash, removing audio/BT and adding CPU monitors in the tray). Then I apt installed sshpass, openssh-client, screen, gparted, and apt unninstalled Geany and Thonny. I installed Docker with the script:

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh

and added the user Pi to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

A quick reboot, and then stopping docker.service and docker.socket, creating the daemon.json in /etc/docker and moving the contents of /var/lib/docker to my (one month old) standard /media/pi/Docker/Docker-System on an SSD.
Another reboot, and I get the funky startup/shutdown of containers with multiple entries:

The exact same procedure to move Docker and the images to the SSD has been done on all my other Pi’s (six different setups, distributed over my car, my boat, my house and my cabin) for the last month or so, but they all are 4 and 5, set up with Raspberry Pi Imager some months ago. None of them have this weirdness. The difference is that when I did them, there was no coice of Pi 3/4/5 in the version Raspberry Pi imager that was used, and there was no “Raspberry Pi Connect” on the earlier installation, but disabling or enabling that didn’t change anything. There are no power issues on the Pi. So what the heck can this be?

Doesn’t it look like the compose progress state renders a new line every time, instead of updating the same line?

That is very possible. Any idea why this is happening? And can I assume that this isn’t a problem for the function of the containers? They look like they work normally, but I have no ida if that’s just deceiving looks.

And this is what I and Tim Walz call weird! I did exactly the same thing again that I tried twice yesterday, with only one difference: This time I downloaded the latest image of the Raspberry Pi OS, used Etcher to burn it and added an ssh file and userconfig.txt with pi as username and my password. That had me where I started with the Raspberry Pi Imager burns, with an SSH way in. So again I went in, activated VNC, installed, uninstalled and did everything else I had done twice before with the Raspberry Pi Imager burnt disks, even the same MicroSD. And this time no funny stuff at all.

That is, until I remembered that I had not changed the locale. So I changed from UK English to Norwegian, which I have on all my other Pi’s. And guess what…

So now I know what triggers it, but I have of course no idea why, and I have no idea if it’s really a problem. I’m guessing it’s not, from what @meyay says it’s probably a pure rendering issue. Still weird…

Great that you figured it out. Even though it appears to be just cosmetic, it still looks like a bug that should be fixed.
Can you open an issue in the Moby Github Repository about this? Moby is the upstream repository of docker-ce.

Done. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I am sure this will help others as well.