I just configure the first one port of each image, why its showing 3 at total?
The additional ports seems to be automatically forwarded ports which happens when you define the container port, but not the host port. Please, show how you define port mappings in your compose file.
i sent the dockerFile from my API and UI, I uploaded the docker compose too. If you realize, I am doing a .NET Core application and add the option “add docker support”, i dont know if influences in something
@rimelek maybe I discovered what happened, could you confirm and explain to me what means? When I add “container orchestrator support” on visual studio it seams create two files “dockerCompose” and “dockerComposeOverride”. How its works?
Plase, don’t share text as screenshots. I even deleted the irrelevant screenshots. The other two is hard to read too. I can’t talk about visual studio code., but I wonder why you changed the filename in your message to lowerCamelCase to make it even harder to understand the issue. docker-compose.override.yml
always automatically merged with docker-compose.yml
The below command can show you what the final merged config is:
docker compose config
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