Wildcard for noProxy container names?

I have a number of microservices in my docker-compose.yml. In the .yml each microservice container is named with the convention "{something}-service".

Some of them need to use our company proxy to access the internet to download data, some of them access each other via HTTP REST API.

I configured the proxy in the c:\users\{user}\.docker/config.json file, e.g.:

  "auths": { "https://index.docker.io/v1/": {} },
  "credsStore": "desktop",
  "stackOrchestrator": "swarm",
  "proxies": {
    "default": {
      "httpProxy": "http://proxy.company.com:port",
      "httpsProxy": "http://proxy.company.com:port",
      "noProxy": "abc-service, def-service, ghi-service"

This works fine, but rather than naming each microservice in the noProxy, can they be wildcarded? I tried "*-service" but that didn’t work in my case.

Any suggestions how to wildcard multiple container names in the noProxy param?

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I have the same question! I’ve been unable to find a solution other than manually listing out all the internal service names.

Personally I think it’s ridiculous that Docker sends DNS requests to the proxy before checking for the hostname in it’s own internal DNS service.

Did you find any solution for this yet?
The only thing I could think of is to use “abc-service.internal”, “def-service.internal”, “ghi-service.internal” hostname for the containers and then add “.internal” to the noproxy.