A tutorial on running multiple docker daemons?

In my imaginary world, there is nothing to prevent me from running many docker daemons in a single host, ideally, each user per daemon.

I’ve got the inspiration from https://www.jujens.eu/posts/en/2018/Feb/25/multiple-docker/. Each user should have their own daemon with “userns” configured for them.

It seems that when I’m creating another daemon (having a default daemon running), the newly created daemon seems to struggle to spawn their own “containerd”. As far as I know, it is not possible to configure dockerd to spawn in a different way (different path etc.).

According to dockerd manual, I either have to stay default (which means one daemon only) or to launch the containerd myself (and set --containerd in dockerd) which I tried but failed. Also, the “docker-containerd” itself is lack of any kind of documentation making digging deeper quite hard.

Now, It seems to me that launching many dockerd daemons is not a simple feat at all. Is there a more established way? Some tutorials will be much appreciated!

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Just to add I’ve also have tried that tutorial with some limited initial success, but after multiple restarts of the daemon I’m having the same issue you describe.

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