Access container on vps

Im running ubuntu on vps.
Ufw disabled
Created a temp .net core app and dockerized it.
I run the container (on the vps):
docker run -it -d --name someName -p 8080:80 path/image

I can access api by
curl http://localhost:8080/WeatherForecast
curl 172.x.x.x:80/WeatherForecast

But not with vps ip

I will host multiple .net core apps so I guess I need to read up on nginx reverse proxy.
But before that I would like to understand why this doesent work:

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Opened ports on vps side. Case closed

Naturally, you have to already have a Linux VPS ready. Once you do, you can either start the installation by visiting the docker website or by running this command in your Terminal:

sudo apt install docker -y

Step 2: Testing the Installation

The developers of docker suggest users test out the installation of docker on VPS with a simple Hello world command by entering the following into the Terminal:

sudo docker run hello-world

another solution I found in web : How to Get Docker on VPS: A Comprehensive Guide to Use VPS for Containerization🗂️ | Cloudzy

This is what everyone should do.

If you do that, you will install a completely different software on Ubuntu and Debian today: WMDocker: GitHub - mdomlop/wmdocker: Docking System Tray

Also this topic was about accessing a container, not installing Docker.