"Access denied" when pushing to gcr.io

Issue type: Authentication
OS: Win10 Pro
App ver: latest
Steps to reproduce: N/A

I’m trying to deploy to Google Cloud Platform but every time I run a “Docker Push” command I get “access denied”

`8a73b6ea4ed7: Pushing [==================================================>]  10.58MB/10.58MB

e2ac51f80bee: Pushing [==================================================>] 215.7MB/215.7MB
2921d112fa73: Pushing [==================================================>] 146.2MB/146.2MB
66a6b75c3cf3: Pushing [==================================================>] 450kB
91508479c45a: Pushing 3.072kB
dcad850836f0: Waiting
caa9f53808c7: Waiting
a1727a819925: Waiting
fdba6a5d9dd7: Waiting
07700abd910e: Waiting
edfb8ee7c346: Waiting
aa817488a0dd: Waiting
74825a980b6d: Waiting
1fb0a31fe7c2: Waiting
denied: Access denied.`

I’m logged into my service account on Gcloud, I’m logged into Docker on both desktop and through the CLI. And I used to be able to perform this command in the past without a single issue, it seems that ever since google updated their platform to require service accounts my commands have stopped working.

For reference, I’m mainly following this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OP-q55hOUI&t=7s&ab_channel=Fireship video