Active code bage on ltsc2019


Sorry if I post in wrong topic :smiley:

I use a python script in a windows container based ltsc2019 image and it returns “LookupError: unknown encoding: cp65001”

I observed that chcp command returns 0 which means some issue regarding encoding code.

I set PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 but it does not help.

I tried an old windows image (ltsc2016) and here everything is fine but I cannot use git commands because OpenSSH is not present on this image.

I tried to use a new image (ltsc2022) and everything is fine but the container is not compatible with OS build from host.

Do you have an idea how can I solve this issue on ltsc2019 or do you know what other image can I use to be compatible with OS build 19044 ?

Thank you!

I searched for the error message. Have you found this which recommends instaling the “win-unicode-console” python package?

It was about Python 2.7 and I assume you already have Python 3.x, bt the solution could be the same

Windows containers support two types of isolations. “process” and “hyperv”. The OS build constraing should be a problem only with process isolation as far as I know. I heard Microsoft started to support different builds with process isolation too, but if you want to be sure it works, you should try the hyperv isolation.