Am I looking at this wrong

Hey, I’ve just started looking at using docker, and I wanted to see if I’ve gotten the wrong impression about how I should be going about building the images.

I started trying to build out an ubuntu environment that I could then also add php, mysql, couchdb and memcached to in order to create a local development environment for me to work on a project with.

Have I looked at this wrong?
Should I be making 3 different images? one for php, one for mysql and one for couchdb? Where would i add the memcached? or would that also be another?

I think this second way is what I should be doing, but I’m not sure, if anyone has some advice that would be awesome.

Sounds like your doing things correctly, you shouldn’t be thinking about containers as virtual servers, think of them more as isolated environments to run just 1 process, so if you have 10 unique processes in your stack then you need 10 unique containers