Artifactory as docker registry


I tried to set up artifactory as docker registry as shown in this video:

However, I don’t have SSL installed in artifactory so I’m using the --insecure-registry flag.

Anyway, I don’t know how to figure out the artifactory as docker registry url so I can do this:

curl -k -uusername:password “

This page ( shows at the bottom that something called a reverse proxy
might be needed? Is this true and if so how do I install such a thing?


Have you tried reaching out to Artifactory, or asked on an Artifactory users forum?


  • Olivier

I will do that.


you need to setup nginx / apache as a frontend for artifactory, to work authentication.
for insecure registry you need a CA , ssl and apply the certificate to above nginx/apache servers… import CA in server and nodes.

Let me know


Mohammed Azfar