It would be really useful, if a Trusted Build on docker hub could be configured to automatically build all git tags from github/bitbucket (using the same tag name for the docker image).
Only re-build tags (and branches) if the commit hash of the tag/branch changes. But allow manually triggering a re-build for any tag/branch from the web interface.
I also see this feature as very important.
I want to create an image tagged when I create a tag in my github, so I don’t have to go the the docker hub and do it manually everytime I create a release in my github.
Having latest triggered by master is fine, but not sufficient.
I very much second this. I see this related to what I wrote in this thread: Automated Build only on monitored Github folder change?. Namely, a semver tagged image should really never change (unless you really know what you’re doing and want to rebuild manually).
Sven, is there any update on that status of your internal ticket?
The manual re-building works for branches, but not yet for tags.
What would also be cool, is to re-use the exact same image for the same commit. E.g if branch and a git tag point to the exact same commit, they should also point to the exact same docker image.