Beta18: Failed to create Switch "DockerNAT"

Expected behavior

Docker starts

Actual behavior

Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.


After installation when docker tries to start I get the following error:
Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.

I tried resetting to default and got the error:
Failed to destroy VM “MobyLinuxVM” and switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.

Diagnostic Id

[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] 1.12.0-rc3-beta18
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] Starting on: 7/9/2016 11:17:31 AM
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] Resources: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] OS: Windows 10 Pro
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] Edition: Professional
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] Id: 1511
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] Build: 10586
[11:17:31.372][Program ][Info ] BuildLabName: 10586.420.amd64fre.th2_release_sec.160527-1834
[11:17:31.388][Program ][Info ] Mixpanel Id: 162BDE50-69EB-484A-8849-E9187FB17D3C
[11:17:31.388][Program ][Info ] Sha1: ec40b14c72adc0bff3b01fa8886dae7f2eee1541
[11:17:31.388][Program ][Info ] You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[11:17:32.036][TrackingStatus ][Info ] Crash report and usage statistics are enabled
[11:17:32.105][Mixpanel ][Info ] Usage Statistic: appLaunched
[11:17:33.644][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Version()…
[11:17:33.667][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Version
[11:17:33.683][Mixpanel ][Info ] Usage Statistic: heartbeat
[11:17:33.667][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version done.
[11:17:34.224][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Stop()…
[11:17:34.224][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop()
[11:17:34.224][HyperV ][Info ] Stop
[11:17:34.224][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Stop True…
[11:17:34.224][Updater ][Info ] Checking for updates on channel Beta…
[11:17:34.994][HyperV ][Info ] VM MobyLinuxVM does not exist
[11:17:35.010][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Stop
[11:17:35.010][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop done.
[11:17:35.010][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Start(Docker.Core.Settings)…
[11:17:35.010][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Start(Docker.Core.Settings)
[11:17:35.010][HyperVGuids ][Info ] Installing GUIDs…
[11:17:35.010][HyperVGuids ][Info ] GUIDs installed
[11:17:35.010][Firewall ][Info ] Opening ports for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[11:17:35.026][Updater ][Info ] Local build 5226 is as good as the remote 5226 on channel Beta
[11:17:35.981][Firewall ][Info ] Ports are opened
[11:17:35.981][HyperV ][Info ] Create
[11:17:35.981][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Create True -SwitchSubnetAddress -SwitchSubnetMaskSize 24 -CPUs 2 -Memory 2048 -IsoFile C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso…
[11:17:36.761][HyperV ][Info ] Enabled workaround for Build 10586 VMSwitch issue
[11:17:44.713][HyperV ][Info ] Creating Switch: DockerNAT…
[11:17:48.002][HyperV ][Info ] Switch created.
[11:17:49.280][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
en System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ThrowInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
en System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
[11:17:49.296][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Start: Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.

[11:17:49.296][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending CheckInstallation()…
[11:17:49.296][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckInstallation()
[11:17:49.296][HyperV ][Info ] Check Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[11:17:49.296][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[11:17:53.810][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for CheckInstallation
[11:17:53.810][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[11:17:53.810][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckInstallation done.
[11:17:53.826][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending CheckHyperVState()…
[11:17:53.826][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckHyperVState()
[11:17:53.826][HyperV ][Info ] Check Hyper-V Service State
[11:17:53.826][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Check True…
[11:17:54.689][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V is running and responding
[11:17:54.690][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for CheckHyperVState
[11:17:54.689][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V is running
[11:17:54.690][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckHyperVState done.
[11:17:54.692][Notifications ][Error ] Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.

[11:17:54.698][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending GetDebugInfo()…
[11:17:54.698][NamedPipeServer][Info ] GetDebugInfo()
[11:18:00.692][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs
[11:18:05.960][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open forums
[11:18:05.984][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open forums
[11:18:21.192][NamedPipeServer][Info ] GetDebugInfo done.
[11:18:21.207][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for GetDebugInfo
[11:18:21.223][Program ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report 744baa91-a856-4c94-a198-06e3dac4a2b0…
[11:18:25.232][Program ][Info ] Bugsnag report 744baa91-a856-4c94-a198-06e3dac4a2b0 sent
[11:18:25.263][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending DownloadVmLogs()…
[11:18:25.263][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs()
[11:18:25.263][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[11:18:25.278][HyperV ][Warning] Unable to download logs: Se detuvo el comando en ejecución porque la variable de preferencia “ErrorActionPreference” o un parámetro común se han establecido en Stop: Hyper-V no pudo encontrar una máquina virtual con el nombre “MobyLinuxVM”.
[11:18:25.278][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs done.
[11:18:25.278][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for DownloadVmLogs
[11:21:35.876][Notifications ][Info ] Docker is resetting to default…
[11:21:35.899][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Stop()…
[11:21:35.900][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop()
[11:21:35.901][HyperV ][Info ] Stop
[11:21:35.902][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Stop True…
[11:21:36.870][HyperV ][Info ] VM MobyLinuxVM does not exist
[11:21:36.881][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Stop
[11:21:36.880][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop done.
[11:21:36.881][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Destroy(False)…
[11:21:36.882][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Destroy(False)
[11:21:36.882][HyperV ][Info ] Destroy
[11:21:36.883][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Destroy True…
[11:21:37.531][HyperV ][Info ] VM MobyLinuxVM does not exist
[11:21:37.531][HyperV ][Info ] Destroying Switch DockerNAT…
[11:21:44.318][HyperV ][Info ] Destroying Net NAT DockerNAT…
[11:21:44.334][HyperV ][Info ] Recreate the switch and try again to destroy Net NAT DockerNAT…
[11:21:44.415][HyperV ][Info ] Enabled workaround for Build 10586 VMSwitch issue
[11:21:51.597][HyperV ][Info ] Creating Switch: DockerNAT…
[11:21:54.596][HyperV ][Info ] Switch created.
[11:21:55.821][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Destroy: Failed to destroy VM “MobyLinuxVM” and switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.
en System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ThrowInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
en System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
[11:21:55.821][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Destroy: Failed to destroy VM “MobyLinuxVM” and switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.

[11:21:55.821][Notifications ][Error ] Failed to destroy VM “MobyLinuxVM” and switch “DockerNAT”: No se ha encontrado el elemento.

[11:21:55.821][Program ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report 5c2cd690-d47e-45a9-bec1-28298a332dcc…
[11:22:00.446][Program ][Info ] Bugsnag report 5c2cd690-d47e-45a9-bec1-28298a332dcc sent
[11:22:00.508][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending DownloadVmLogs()…
[11:22:00.508][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs()
[11:22:00.508][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[11:22:00.546][HyperV ][Warning] Unable to download logs: Se detuvo el comando en ejecución porque la variable de preferencia “ErrorActionPreference” o un parámetro común se han establecido en Stop: Hyper-V no pudo encontrar una máquina virtual con el nombre “MobyLinuxVM”.
[11:22:00.546][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for DownloadVmLogs
[11:22:00.546][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs done.
[11:22:02.066][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs
[11:22:02.082][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs

I had similar probs and resolved by going to windows devices and removing all network interfaces related to dockerNAT. Then reinstall and let docker recreate as needed. May have to reboot as well before reinstalling. You mileage may very.