Build failed: Unexpected error

My Docker Hub automated build is failing with an “Unexpected Error”:

Building in Docker Cloud's infrastructure...
Starting to clone
Cloning into '.'...
Building in Docker Cloud's infrastructure...
Starting to clone
Cloning into '.'...
Submodule 'corehq/apps/hqmedia/static/hqm...


Cloning done
Starting Build
KernelVersion: 4.4.0-21-generic
Os: linux
BuildTime: 2016-04-26T23:43:49.174056600+00:00
ApiVersion: 1.23
Version: 1.11.1
GitCommit: 5604cbe
Arch: amd64
GoVersion: go1.5.4
Starting build of
Unexpected error

Full log here:

I can successfully build on Docker for Mac (Docker version 1.11.1, build 5604cbe) and Docker Toolbox (Docker version 1.11.2, build b9f10c9).

Edit: the last successful build on Docker Hub is here: I believe this was just before the Dockerfile was edited.

Why is it failing on Docker Hub?

Our builds are still failing. Please help.

do the people who run read this forum or am I asking in the wrong place?

Hello millerdev,

Thank you for filing this issue and for your patience. It looks like your Dockerfile is a symlink which causes a bug in our autobuild system. We will be working to address this issue but in the meantime I recommend you put the full path to your Dockerfile in your autobuild rule or moving your Dockerfile to your root directory.


Thanks! That appears to have fixed the issue.