Cannot access company login page from chrome installed in Docker container

My goal is to run browser tests, written using k6, in a docker container. I have my script for the k6 browser tests, and a docker image with nodejs, k6, and chromium installed (chromium is for k6 browser testing). My script should perform simple browser testing functions, like going to a login page, entering credentials, and hitting “login”, and it works as expected if I run it outside the docker container. However, when I run it inside the docker container, it errors when it tries to go to the login page:

ERRO[0002] error on evaluating window.k6SpanId: evaluating JS in global context: context canceled  category="FrameSession:onFrameNavigated" elapsed="0 ms" source=browser
ERRO[0002] Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'headers' of undefined or null
running at file:///home/username/browserTest.js:25:16(16)  executor=shared-iterations scenario=ui

I believe this might be because the login page it is trying to access is only available on the company network. My computer uses a VPN to connect to the company network, but perhaps specifically the chromium browser in the docker container is somehow not using the VPN/can’t access company network websites? However, if I run a curl command to the login page inside the docker container, that works fine.

Note that I can run the k6 sample browser test script (which performs browser testing functions on a website that does not require being on my company network to access) within my docker container and everything goes as expected, which I think indicates the chrome was installed correctly. Here is the Dockerfile chrome installation code, if it is relevant:

RUN apt-get install -y wget
RUN wget -q
RUN apt-get install -y ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

How can I adjust my dockerfile or anything else to be able to access the company login page on Chrome from inside my docker container?

This proves that the container can access the website. Thus, the problem is more likely to be caused by how k6 is run inside the container.

I strongly suggest to ask the k6 community, as it’s more likely to find k6 users that run their tests in containers, than docker users that actually use k6.