Cannot connect to remote daemon, but can connect to remote daemon in container

I am trying to connect to a docker daemon on a different machine. I have to VM A and B. I want to run the daemon on VM A and connect to it from VM B.

For now, I’m not interested in setting-up TLS, or anything like that.

If I launch the daemon on VM B using this:

dockerd -H tcp://

And then try to talk to it from VM A:

curl x.x.x.x:2375/version
docker -H tcp://x.x.x.x:2375 ps

It just hangs for some time and then throw an error.

But if I launch a daemon inside a docker on VM B:

# Start the docker on the standard socket:

docker run --privileged -p 2375:2375 docker:dind dockerd -H tcp://

I can communicate with it from VM A without issue:

curl x.x.x.x:2375/version  # Ok
docker -H tcp://x.x.x.x:2375 ps  # Ok

Is there any reason why I could not connect to the daemon when started directly from the VM?