Remote docker problems

So, I’m trying to configure remote dockerd for PyCharm.
I have laptop and powerful devbox. Docker Daemon is active at my devbox, listening 2375 port.
API is accessible on without encryption
netstat shows such row:
tcp6 0 0 :::2375 :::* LISTEN -

Also I have ssh connection from my laptop to my devbox by specific port. I have access to devbox via ssh user@devbox_ip -p 21115

What should I do to connect to dockerdaemon?
Trying to connect to tcp://devbox_ip:2375 returns
ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://devbox_ip:2375

When I try to connect dockerd at devbox_ip:21115, I see this:

 Debug Mode: false

ERROR: error during connect: Get http://devbox_ip:21115/v1.40/info: net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP status code "Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3"
errors pretty printing info