Cannot query on backend on another LAN client

Hi All,

I need some help. I am new and green to container. I have followed the guide to try on Couchbase with container.

I have setup successfully but only works on the local machine the docker installed. I have replaced the baseURL from localhost:8080 to mydomainname:8080 in the “main.js” file under the frontend container. However it still only works on the docker computer and cannot query on another LAN client.
Other LAN client can access the frontend web interface but while perform search action to query, I got error
" ```
GET to

NO RESPONSE (backend unresponsive?) from /*
Please help and advise, how can I make the demo site backend works and accessible to public? Many thanks

This is not a Docker problem, but a Couchbase problem.
I suggest you ask Couchbase for help.
You do so at your own risk, but the following may work.

1.Edit the “main.js” file.
2.change “package.json” to "vue-cli-service serve --port 8081 --public the frontend container image
4.change “frontend:build” in docker-compose.yml

@salmon111 ,

million thanks for reply, I will try on your advise. Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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