Can't use docker-machine to create vm


This problem have confused me serveral days. After seach all the forums, I decided to post this topic.
I follow the docker guide to use docker-machine to create vms, but the command fail.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox myvm1

The error is:

Error with pre-create check:“This computer doesn’t have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory”

The environment I use:
My OS is win10, and I use virtualBox to install ubuntu16.04(x86-64), then I config the docker and docker-machine in the VM ubuntu.

According to the error, I am sure I have check these configuration:

  1. the BIOS: the VT-x is enabled.
  2. The virtualBox: I have check the box:VT-X/AMD-V
  3. The hypervisor: I have disable the hypervisor of My host OS.

After above actions, I still fail to create vms with docker-machine.
Is there any thing I forget to do? Hope anyone can help me!
Thank you!

Did that error go away after enabling VT-X in BIOS?

What error message do you get now or does your computer just freeze up when it tries to create and start myvm1?
$ docker-machine start myvm1
(The command I am using unsuccessfully)
$ docker-machine ls
What output?