Connecting Docker/Portainer Networking Questions

I am using Rocky Linux on an extra PC at work, each one of my co-workers also have one.

I am trying to make a development server for Inductive Automation Ignition Containers
There is a main gateway, and then several edge devices that connect to that main gateway
I have Portainer installed, and I am trying to understand the networking in order to achieve my goal

I need all the Ignition Containers to be able to communicate with each other
I need to be able to customize the IP Addresses of each ignition container
Every Ignition Container must be able to use port 8088 (I suspect that I will use a macVLan for this)

I need to be able to connect to each of those edge devices as well as the main gateway using that custom IP from my Work PC

I need to isolate all the ignition instances and networking to be seperate from my Co-Workers Instances, as they will also have the same IP, but I want the containers to be independent

(This will be so we can version control our own environments)

Here’s a basic diagram of my goal, Any help with creating the networks, with the proper subnetworks, and visibility settings would be greatly appreciated, I’m sure that what I am trying to achieve should be possible, but I just need a little help getting there, thank you!