Connecting To Container From Outside Host

Issue: Cannot access container via IP from a second device.

My goal is to run an application from inside a container as a server, and use external devices as clients. I currently have a bridge network set up with a range of IP adresses, a gateway, and a subnet. When a container is created on the network, it gets a dynamically allocated IP from the IP range on the network. How can I access the container with the IP address from my clients?

Edit: Additional information. I can ping from the container to both host and a client, I can ping from the host to both client and container, but I can only ping to host from client. I cannot ping from client directly to container.

I’m running Docker 3.11 on Linux.

Where is your client? Is it in another container? Is the other container in the same network as your server container?

My client is not on another container, but it is on the same network as the server container.

Additional information.

Network creation command: docker network create -d bridge --gateway= --subnet --ip-range my_network

Container creation: docker run -itd --privileged --memory=“32g” --cpuset-cpus x-y -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 -p 7199:7199 -p 9042:9042 -p 9160:9160 --net=my_network --ip=“” -v /drive/location:/var/lib/cassandra --name=c2 cassandra:latest

how about making proxy-lb?