How do i Ping docker container outside a host?

I have setup advance networking on docker container and created bridge network to use specific ip like which is my local LAN ip for docker0.But when i start the container , container gets different range ip address rather than the range which i defined to use with docker0 like

I can ping and all my internal ip address from container but when i try to ping container ip from another host i get Request time out.

Can anyone faces this issue?Please let me know how to resolve this issue and get ping response of container outside from host .
I followed below article to setup advance networking on docker,

these are 2 local subnets. There is no path between them. You have to create a route, and I can guess from you post, that it is a task above your skills.

You either create a route in the router, or manually add it to both your hosts.

Or, in a much simpler way, assign a public ip to the given container.

You may be able to solve the problem a lot more simply (without any “advanced” networking) by using docker run -p or docker run -P. Those can give you ports on the host that let you reach your container from other machines on your network.

I’ve tried this:

  1. run the container:
    docker run -it -P --device /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --device /dev/ppp:/dev/ppp --cap-add NET_ADMIN -e VPN_ADDR=[address_ip]:[port] -e VPN_USER=[usr] -e VPN_PASS=[psw] poyaz/forticlient:latest
    (repleacing [ ] field)

  2. get the container ip:
    docker inspect --format ‘{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}’ 17681b21dce94baa6ae3300308c113e95d6eb3131b
    and got

  3. add routing:
    route ADD [RDP_Machine_ip] MASK

  4. tried to connect with RDP to the machine [RDP_Machine_ip]

what’s wrong with that?