I am trying to capture the output of a command in a shell script to a log file. (This is the actual requirement in a complex shell script.). The shell script shall run within a Docker Container.
Below are the entries my Dockerfile to create the Docker Image
From ubuntu
COPY . .
CMD ["sh","shelljob.sh"]
Below is the content of the shelljob.sh
touch dockshell.log
echo "$dt - I am $usr@$mc running from $pt printed by Shell Script" >> dockshell.log
I have used the below Docker commands on my MacBook
docker build -t myapp .
docker run myapp ----> This ran without any error
docker run -it myapp bash
root@33ee7a7451e6:/# ls dockshell.log
ls: cannot access 'dockshell.log': No such file or directory
I am new to Docker world. Will you please guide me about where did I do the mistake and why it is not creating the outputfile inside the container?