DNS issues with local resolver and containers on the same host

This particular issue might have been asked before in one or another form - actually I’m not quite sure, so I’ll just open a discussion here.

I am running a (real) small stack of two Raspberry Pi hosts (assume names “A” and “B”) with Hypriot OS and Docker 20.10.1. Host “A” operates a recursive DNS resolver as a Docker Compose stack attached to a custom bridged network, publishing / mapping port 53 (UDP). The host IP is announced to my local network by my internet router as DNS.

Other containers running on the same host “A” attached to other custom bridged networks are not able to communicate with the containerized DNS resolver, or else: they cannot resolve any domain name. Docker debug logs show information as follows:

Dec 26 14:56:41 A dockerd[22481]: time="2020-12-26T14:56:41.054599831+01:00" level=debug msg="Name To resolve: heise.de."
Dec 26 14:56:41 A dockerd[22481]: time="2020-12-26T14:56:41.055160347+01:00" level=debug msg="[resolver] query heise.de. (A) from, forwarding to udp:"
Dec 26 14:56:45 A dockerd[22481]: time="2020-12-26T14:56:45.055511318+01:00" level=debug msg="[resolver] read from DNS server failed, read udp> i/o timeout"

Containers on host “B” however have no issue at all resolving domain names, everything works as expected.

Any insights in what is actually going on here would be helpful…

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Same problem here (all other hosts resolve properly, DNS server communicated via DHCP router, etc.). I saw that the requests go to the DNS server, but the response can’t get back and I get the same error as you. Thought the problem could be somewhere in iptables, but I hadn’t find a solution nor I’m expert in iptables.

I will install the DNS server without docker and see if the containers can resolve, but it looks like a “problem/feature” in the container-to-container communication.

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@hmarlo - Thanks for your answer. Yes, I can also see the request being processed by the containerized DNS resolver (see below), however the response does not seem to reach the requesting instance (container):

Dec 27 11:29:49 dnsmasq[781]: query[A] heise.de from
Dec 27 11:29:50 dnsmasq[781]: forwarded heise.de to
Dec 27 11:29:50 dnsmasq[781]: dnssec-query[DS] heise.de to
Dec 27 11:29:50 dnsmasq[781]: reply heise.de is no DS
Dec 27 11:29:50 dnsmasq[781]: validation result is INSECURE
Dec 27 11:29:50 dnsmasq[781]: reply heise.de is

A possible solution (tested yesterday) might be to attach other containers to the DNS stack’s bridged network and explicitly setting its gateway as DNS, but that is rather a work-around that introduces too many dependencies between otherwise unrelated containers / stacks, and I’d rather avoid that…

Hi again!

Tested installed locally (without Docker) and it worked, of course.

I found something more trying to resolve using dig from a sibling container dig @ -p 53 google.com and it returned:

;; reply from unexpected source:, expected

;; reply from unexpected source:, expected

I searched a little bit more and found this answer at GitHub that suggests to use the full qualified IP on the docker port binding, so I changed my ports from:

version: '3.7'
    image: mvance/unbound-rpi:1.13.0
    hostname: unbound
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 53:53/udp
      - 53:53/tcp
    volumes: [...]


version: '3.7'
    image: mvance/unbound-rpi:1.13.0
    hostname: unbound
    restart: unless-stopped
    volumes: [...]

And then it worked.

Probably adding some mangling to iptables (when the request to here comes from there, change the IP of the response) could save us to specify the host. Also, I do not know any shortcut for that IP binding on the ports since by default is and not the host IP.

Could you test this?

Edit: I’m now testing other things to avoid knowing the IP where the container will be placed.
Edit: Running with docker run ... --net=host did not work, same error, not translating the source from the response.


Changing the port mapping to include the fully qualified IP actually works, thanks for the hint. This is also rather a work-around, but it introduces no further dependencies to other (yet unrelated) containers. In fact, the DNS stack I am operating here defines a custom network using a fixed IP range, and it even sets a fixed IP address on the upstream DNS resolver I am using (Unbound) in order to configure the exposed Pi-hole container correctly, so this will work for now.

Despite of that, I’m still curious about what is happening here when using the original setup. A work-around is… well - a work-around. I’d rather have this fixed with a proper solution… :wink:

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Hi again! It is working for my using network_mode: host(or --network=host if a run with docker run) and binding the DNS server interface to the IP ( However this has the same problem as before as we need to know the interface IP before.

@hmarlo - Yep, thought about network_mode: host as well, but dropped that solution as I do not want to expose the upstream service (Unbound), and both using network_mode: host and attaching a custom bridged network (in order to hide the upstream service) is not possible.

I had checked another detail in the meantime and removed an A-record configuration for my local network from Unbound’s configuration, but that only changed the error message issued by dig (;; reply from unexpected source:, expected There must be some kind of issue with iptables and NAT, yet I am not a network expert and actually do not know what to look for, neither could I say whether this might actually be misbehaviour or is rather based on my own misunderstanding…

This workaround worked for me.
I was trying to setup PiHole and Wireguard and this worked. I only directed the container to use the host IP as address after and it worked.
Without the host IP binding the ports I wasn’t able to get it working.