Docker and Azure Key Vault

Hi all,

We’re currently using docker (no K8s, Swarm etc, just docker-compose) to run some containers. This is still in its infancy for us, and we will look at orchestration in the future. As a pre-requ for this, we need to move to a secrets management solution. Currently, we just pass in things via an environment file:

        env_file: /etc/docker/filename.env

This works fine, but obviously isn’t ideal.

Now, we’d like to use Azure Key Vault if possible, but I can’t see anything that suggests how you use Key Vault and docker-compose. I can see various guides on using Key Vault with Azure containers, but not our own on-premise containers.

Is this something that

  • a) is it even possible?
  • b) how would we do it/what’s the syntax?

I’ve found this example for Hashicorp’s Vault, but nothing for Azure’s.

      - VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
      - SKIP_SETCAP=true
      - SKIP_CHOWN=true```


Same issue here. need help to integrate with an azure key vault with docker