Docker beta 14 : docker is not running anymore

When docker is launched, the initialization fails

It worked for me with the previous version.

In the logs, I can see :

[11:48:51.316][ProxyProcess ][Info ] Dial Hyper-V socket fe299eec-5156-436e-b52e-ecdb8b13abdd:23a432c2-537a-4291-bcb5-d62504644739
[11:49:01.354][ProxyProcess ][Info ] error reading response from Docker: HvSocket has already been closed
[11:49:01.355][Cmd ][Info ] Error response from daemon: Bad response from Docker engine
[11:49:01.370][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Start: Docker daemon is not running
[11:49:01.363][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Docker daemon is not running à Docker.Backend.DockerDaemonChecker.Check()
à Docker.Core.pipe.NamedPipeServer.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0(Object[] parameters)
à Docker.Core.pipe.NamedPipeServer.RunAction(String action, Object[] parameters)
[11:49:01.395][Notifications ][Error ] Docker daemon is not running

I tried to reset, to reinstall, to reboot, but nothing is working.

After another reboot and a full reinstall, I get :

[13:34:58.809][Database ][Info ] Writing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/net/config=static to the database... [13:34:58.996][ProxyProcess ][Info ] Start com.docker.db.exe [13:35:00.721][ProxyProcess ][Info ] Start com.docker.slirp.exe [13:35:01.284][Database ][Error ] 2016/06/06 13:34:59 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:00 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:01 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:01 Retry to dial \\.\pipe\databasepipe 2016/06/06 13:35:01 Failed to contact the database on \\.\pipe\databasepipe: open \\.\pipe\databasepipe: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.

[13:35:01.284][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Unable to write com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/net/config=static to the database. Exit code: 1 à Docker.Backend.Database.Write(String key, String value)
à Docker.Backend.Database.Write(Settings settings)
à Docker.Backend.Backend.Start(Settings settings)
à Docker.Core.pipe.NamedPipeServer.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0(Object[] parameters)
à Docker.Core.pipe.NamedPipeServer.RunAction(String action, Object[] parameters)
[13:35:01.284][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Start: Unable to write com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/net/config=static to the database. Exit code: 1
[13:35:01.487][Notifications ][Error ] Unable to write com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/net/config=static to the database. Exit code: 1

Thanks for this report - could you upload the full log (in particular we need some of the ids from the top of the file). If you don’t want to share on the forum, feel free to email it on

I just sent you the log file, but your email adress doesn’t work.

Also, for your information, this error does not occure anymore since I deinstall Docker beta, docker toolbox and reboot (but I can’t do a pull).

Sorry, that should have been - please send your most recent log file.


Done, just a minute ago.

I’m getting same error, on VMWare Workstation Player 12:

[12:21:20.964][ProxyProcess   ][Info   ] Failed to set up server socket listening on "hyperv-connect://92ff2c4a-c596-4d1b-969f-2629d3e17c3f": Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENETDOWN, "socket", "")
[12:21:21.902][Database       ][Error  ] 2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:20 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:21 Retry dialing \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase in 100ms
2016/06/25 12:21:21 Failed to contact the database on \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase: open \\.\pipe\dockerDataBase: The system cannot find the file specified.

[12:21:21.907][Database       ][Error  ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to write to the database. Exit code: 1. Let's retry in 1s