Hi, I have the exact same issue. Did you happen to resolve this? I’m at a loss. I think it’s somehow related to networking because if log into the boot2docker vm the responses are quick.
Same issue here. Even docker -v consistently takes 17 seconds when my host Windows 10 laptop is connected to the network via Wifi. As soon as I disconnect from that wireless network, or turn-off Wifi, the operations are instant. Even the Tray Icon takes 15 seconds for the menu options to even come up. Same behavior for both Linux container or Windows container mode.
An example …
PS C:\dev> get-date;docker -v;get-date
Saturday, September 8, 2018 8:35:40 AM
Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a Saturday, September 8, 2018 8:35:56 AM
RESOLVED This posting on github pointed me to the solution. As noted above, I originally thought it was due to me being on wireless because the commands would execute quickly when I disconnected wireless. I finally had a chance to connect to my ethernet from home and had the same problem.
After the github posting, I connected to corp via our VPN and the Docker commands then executed MUCH more quickly. There is still a minor one second-ish delay, probably due to latency of the domain controller calls, but that’s all.
@caseychamberlain, But I don’t get it. What is the solution? Obviously I’m not expected to VPN into your corp network. How can I and others take advantage of this solution?
Hi @caseychamberlain, Are we unable to use other network except the corporate network?
I also met same issue with docker cli. I realize that when I change to use my personal hotspot wifi, docker-cli reponses instant. But the same thing does not happen on my home wifi network.
I think we need a clearly solution for this issue.
In my case, it was previously set context that was pointing on non-exsistent VM in the cloud. took about 90 sec per command.
You can use: # sudo docker context ls
then determine context and set it to default or remove the unused one.