Docker Compose Issues on AWS

The stack is suppose to stop, bring down and bring up and containers run in AWS EC2

I am running 20.10.24 docker on AWS EC2, when I updated the docker, I could no longer locate my containers. I then downgraded back to 20.10.24 and still cannot locate my containers. When I run the following docker commands below, there are issues, such as storage issues and or it just doesn’t work/load properly. The containers are unable to run currently.

Are there new docker commands that we should be using instead to get the containers (4) to run?

Docker-compose commands:
cd website/docker
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml build (instead of local its beta)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d (instead of local its beta)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml down (instead of local its beta)

“there are issues”

what exactly?

Upgrade can change storage driver which means data is stored in a different directory. Or it changes the docker data root. If it is not changed back when you downgrade the version, it will not solve the problem.

So the containers are not being restored and therefore are not running. As a result, everytime DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml build is ran, it requires even more space. So not sure what to do to get the containers to run again?

First check the output of this command:

ls -l /var/lib/docker

and share it.