Docker Compose services are starting, but aren't accesible from clients within the webbrowser after restart of the host

Since 4 days I’m facing an issue with Docker and services started via Docker Compose in a Docker Bridge Network when restarting. Before the restart of the host the services are working fine. Even a restart of the containers is possible without any issues. But after a restart the containers aren’t accessible anymore from clients within the webbrowser, but on the host the services seem to be working fine. SSH is still working as well and after stopping the containers and deleting and recreating the external network and firing the containers back up the services of the containers are working fine again in the browser as well. So far I couldn’t see anything problematic in the debug logs. Is there any known issue regarding version 27.4.1 of Docker or Docker Compose version v2.32.1 regarding my issues or another advise regarding these phenomenon?

What OS, virtualization and hardware are you using?

Thanks for asking. The OS is Alpine Linux 3.22.0 on Linux Kernel 6.12.9-0-rpi on a Raspberry Pi 4. One of the services is e.g. Traefik v3.3.2.

Following updates where made just yet: containerd (2.0.1-r0 → 2.0.2-r0), containerd-openrc (2.0.1-r0 → 2.0.2-r0), docker-engine (27.4.1-r0 → 27.5.0-r0), docker-openrc (27.4.1-r0 → 27.5.0-r0), docker (27.4.1-r0 → 27.5.0-r0), docker-cli-compose (2.32.1-r0 → 2.32.4-r0).

I’ll try a reboot soon to see if the updates did change something in the behaviour of the services being available after a restart in the browser of my clients.

EDIT: No changes regarding the phenomenon when restarting. Still stopping all services, removing the external network and creating it anew works to make the services available on the browsers again. It seems to be no general network issue on the host as SSH is working and after doing the described steps, all services are available on my clients again. So the issue with accessibility after a reboot still persist.

The alpine docker package is not maintained by Docker Inc. You can find its source repo here:

I would suggest checking if an open issue for the problem you experience exists, or raise the issue in the Gitlab repo.